Pre odvážnych

Ideálne opálená pokožka je ako skvelý outfit. Siahnite po nej rovnako, ako siahate do šatníka, keď idete do spoločnosti.
Pre aktívnych

Z rôznych odtieňoch slnka – od východu do západu, sme čerpali inšpiráciu, aby sme vyťažili esenciu najkrajších denných chvíľ.

Special Line
Pre náročných

Chcete zistiť, ako by vyzerala kozmetika, keby sme spojili sily našich najlepších špecialistov na krásu a opaľovanie?
Pre odhodlaných

V charakteristických tmavých tubách nájdete skvelý bronzer a urýchľovač opaľovania. Obidva s pánskymi, aromatickými vôňami.

Pro milovníky přírody

97% – toľko zložiek prírodného pôvodu zabezpečí krásne, prirodzené opálenie a zdravie Vašej pokožky.
97organic je prvý rad opaľovacej kozmetiky, ktorý siaha tak hlboko do prírodných zdrojov.
Skontrolujte zloženie. Čistá príroda.

"It's very easy to choose the right lotion to suit the client's needs.
Each of the 7suns cosmetics corresponds to a specific need, for example, I know immediately which bronzer will be suitable for a certain skin type."

"Lotions from 7suns look gorgeous in our tanning shop. Stylish and elegant bottles from the Golden Collection are perfectly matched with the profile of our customers who expect premium quality."

"Gold & Glow tanning elixir is fabulous. Our customers love it for the beautiful tan and wonderful fragrance."
United Kingdom

"The products are great, especially the Golden Collection line. The quality of the cosmetics and the look of the bottles and sachets are amazing. Our customers love it.''

“Whether our customers are starting tanning now or are experienced tanners who wish to achieve even better results, 7suns lotions are a favourite choice for them.”

"We love range coloured. We immediately noticed a darker colour. You can really see the results after one use. It works very well and lasts longer on your skin. It smells amazing!"
Czech Republic

"The 7suns product lines have been a wonderful addition to our product line. Attractive packaging and great products at the perfect price point cover a wide range of our customer's needs. Hydrating, quick results, a reasonable price! Highly recommended!"

"We love 7suns lotions, especially American Glamour. This customer-favorite lotion hugs every inch, leaving skin petal-soft. Even when you've rinsed it off, that rich fragrance will permeate your senses and keep you feeling refreshed."
Holistic Sun
United Kingdom

"Gold & Glow smells so good! And I was so shocked at how fast it dried - gonna have think of when would be a good time to bring them in for us. Absolutely love it!"
TANLUX, United Kingdom